Thursday, February 23, 2012

You Have an Incoming Call From...

Little side note: Never in my life have I ever called a guy first. Nor, have I ever asked a guy out first. Why? Not because I'm old fashioned, nor is it because I am scared. But, I love control. I also love for someone to chase me. So much so that even after the initial phone chats begin- I typically turn the guy down two to three times prior to the first date - If I am really interested.

Not to brag, but I've gotten many numbers in my lifetime. I do not text first, nor call. I in reply either give my name and say find me... or I give them my number. I simply say. Thanks, here's my number you can call or text me anytime. I simply always leave it at that. If I totally am uninterested, I go by the name Brenda so that they never can find me again.

First of all, my dad taught me that men find it very satisfying to get what they want... If they want you, they will find you. Here's a scenario.. A guy gives you a number at a bar, over facebook, at church... etc. Is he giving you control, or did he just get you to do the heavy lifting? No, what he did was a magic trick... Men for the most part, like to pursue women. They like not knowing if they can catch us. They feel rewarded when they finally do. Especially when the chase is a long one. My belief is that if you are the agressor... He is just not that interested: You, and I by all means are worth asking out.

Unfortunately, most women in the dating world don't have men throwing themselves at them every night of the week.

Here's an even brighter thought: Men know how to use the phone! With the invention of cell phones and speed dialing it is almost impossible not to call someone. Sometimes I call people from my pants when I don't even mean too... The excuse "busy" is another word for "butthole." If I remember correctly I already have one of those and do not need another one. We, ladies deserve a freaking phone call.

Think of it this way. That phone call is the first brick in building a foundation for a relationship based on love and trust. If he can't pick up one stupid brick and start building that foundation. you ain't never gonna have a house...and from what I've learned it's pretty cold outside.

To me, I don't call first because I consider it lazy for a guy not to call you first. And who want's to go out with a lazy guy? It's that simple. I didn't make the rules and I might not even agree with them. I'm not advocating women go back to the Stone Age. I just think we might need to be more realistic in how capable we are of changing the primordial impulses that drive all of human nature.

I do not date LAZY. The end.

Men do not forget how much they like you so put down the phone.

Ladies, you have to have faith. You made an impression. Leave it at that. If he likes you, he'll still remember you after a tsunami, flood, or Red Sox loss. If he doesn't, he's not worth your time. Know why? You are great.

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